Bros Before Foes

Bros Before Foes

BROS BEFORE FOES is an ongoing art series owned and operated by André Guindi designed to make you laugh, leave you enamored, trigger your nerd-rage, and/or satiate your deepest, darkest Rule 34 memelord subreddit fan-fictions.
You’re welcome, I think?

We at BBF believe that there’s a tad too much haterade in the world, and that we could all benefit from a good bro-hug and a little love. Okay, a LOT of love. Our art strives to blur the boundaries of heteronormativity through iconoclastic images that will—at the very least—spark a conversation about gender expression, feminism, and emotional connections.

BROS BEFORE FOES can be found at comic conventions and artisan markets all over North America, and sold in the raddest retails stores near you. Follow us on InstagramFacebook, and Twitter to find out where we’ll be next!